科研论文: 近三年部分代表性论文 [1] 朱瑞*,王心柔, 韩清鹏, 王学超, 江天镇. 燃气轮机转子系统气隙偏心-碰摩耦合故障的振动特性分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2025, 44(6): 38-46 [2] Rui Zhu*; Tianzhen Jiang; Xin Tong; Qingpeng Han; Keyuan He; Siyu Xu; Mingxin Wang; Analysis of rotor vibration characteristics of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor under air gap eccentricity fault, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2024, 2024(2024):1-16. [3]Binxia Yuan; Yuhao Liu; Hong Qian; Rui Zhu*; Chengxi Zhang; Weiling Luan; Synergistic effects of oxygen vacancies and mesoporous structures in amorphous C@TiO2 for photocatalytic CO2 reduction, iScience, 2024, 27(7):110377 [4] Li Kai, Zhu Rui*, Wang Zhenguo, etc al. Modeling and Modal analysis of the structure of long-span transmission tower[J]. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 2023,23 (2023):1491–1501 [5] Rui Zhu*,Mingxin Wang, Siyu Xu, etc al. Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on singular spectrum analysis and wide convolution kernel neural network [J]. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control. 2022,41(4):1307-1321. [6]Xiaolong Tang , Wenchi Hou , Qiwei Zheng , Lin Fang , Rui Zhu *, Li Zheng* . Self-powered wind sensor based on triboelectric nanogenerator for detecting breeze vibration on electric transmission lines[J]. NANO ENERGY, 99(2022),107412 [7] Zhu Rui*,Zhao An-Lei,Wang Guang-Chao, etc al. An Energy Storage Performance Improvement Model for Grid-Connected Wind-Solar Hybrid Energy Storage System, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2020(2020). |
科研项目:部分代表性项目 [1] 国家自然科学面上基金,低碳电网中燃气轮机转子系统电磁耦合激振机理及其智能控制策略,2022.01-2025.12,项目负责人 [2] 国网公司委托课题,甘肃陇南典型灾害天气影响下330千伏输电塔线生存率分析与风险评估,2024.05-2025.12,项目负责人 [3] 国网公司委托课题,基于需求响应的华东调度大楼负荷控制与管理优化策略,2024.05-2025.06,项目负责人 [4] 国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司委托课题,管道泄漏准确率提升算法研究,2023.12-2025.06,项目负责人 [5] 国网公司委托课题,退役吴闵2182等50条退役线路运行情况评估,2023.12-2025.06,项目负责人 [6] 国网公司委托课题,调相机热工保护4-20mA信号干扰评价技术研究,2023.07-2025.12,项目负责人 [7] 国网公司委托课题,沿海主干通道台风发生概率及防台能力研究,2021.11-2022.12,项目负责人 [8] 国网公司委托课题,支撑分布式资源接入的新型配电网工程应用研究,2021.09-2024.12,项目负责人 [9] 国网公司委托课题,沙尘暴及瞬时风载荷对输电线路杆塔的可靠性研究,2020.05-2023.12,项目负责人 [10] 国家自然科学青年基金,重型燃气轮机转子系统在热-流固多场耦合作用下的非线性振动分析,2016.1-2018.12,项目负责人 |